Experiencing God’s Care and Provisions, Just as He Promised

Faith Acres • February 13, 2019

~ A Pastor’s Faith-Walk story ~

I am a father of five teens who has been experiencing a very prolonged period of unemployment. I have been a bi-vocational minister for over 15 years and completed an assignment which resulted in the closing of a church. Needless to say, I am still unable to find an income to support my family. While in this holding pattern period of our lives, our kids, all of whom are musically inclined, have decided they wanted to begin worship as a group and as a family at home. We were short of the needed instruments such as a base and a guitar.

As only our God would arrange it, I went to Faith Acres on a Friday, not a day I normally would visit, and I happen to meet a single mom and heard about her dilemma and it was the precise time she was mentioning the need for musical instruments for her kids. We both where invited upstairs with another volunteer to see some instruments that were recently donated to Faith Acres and there were enough guitars to meet the needs of both families. The guitar went to my son who has been self-teaching himself and he used this for the sole purpose of praising God because we have so many reasons to give praise to Him. As a father, I’ve been feeling so helpless to provide many of my family’s needs, but when I received this guitar I felt God’s love immensely. My son painted the biggest smile when I took it home and told him it was for him.

You see, December 1, 2011, I was sitting at the table with my wife talking over the fact that we didn’t have a penny to pay our rent and no open opportunities to make money. We called the kids to the table to pray. After we prayed, one of our kids went to get the mail. In the bundle of advertising was an envelope from Florida and inside were four checks whose sums totaled ¾ of our rent. About an hour later I received a call from a local charity telling me a couple was looking to bless someone financially and the staff at this charity thought of me. The next day, the couple came to visit me and they provided the remaining amount of what I needed for the rent, to the dollar. Within one week, someone else came to visit me and I received enough money for next month’s rent too! I don’t have the words to express the overwhelming sensation of experiencing God’s care and provisions just as He promised.

Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with lute and harp! Praise Him with tambourine and dance; praise Him with strings and pipe! Praise Him with sounding cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals! Ps. 150:3-5

“Experiencing God’s Care and Provisions, Just as He Promised” is a part of “ It’s a Musical Christmas Miracle” Faith-Walk story.

By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
Life is hard enough, but I couldn’t imagine trying to live it without Jesus. One of my favorite songs is “Give Me Jesus” by Jeremy Camp, and this morning when I got up to write some Faith Walk stories, I clicked on Pandora (internet radio) and what a gift to hear my favorite song play first. It’s these little “GOD THINGS” along life’s journey that gives us the encouragement to keeps on the right path. Yesterday, I was working with the girls in the office on our very first 5k Run/ 3k Walk for Hunger fundraiser and I was thinking that Jeff and I being the leaders need to start raising our personal pledges. Our goal for FAF is $50,000, and I thought if 50 dedicated people raised $1,000 then it’s very doable. We have 6 weeks (one by the time you get this story) until the event on September 8th, and I needed to get moving on this. However, with all our other responsibilities, I just had to lift up a prayer and ask our Heavenly Father for help. Later that afternoon one of the girls volunteering in the office says, “Hey, I have a donation for you and Jeff, for Faith Acres!” I looked at her and said, “Great because we have the walk!” I also know she is without a job, and things are tight for her and her family right now. In fact, the finances and family issues have been so heavy on her heart that the stress has developed into panic attacks. Panic attacks are a very real issue with some of the individuals who come to FAF. The stress of life can grow into very serious medical conditions, adding even more to the mountain of difficulties they are facing. It is the “FEAR” of the “WHAT IF’S”. This fear can consume people to the point of becoming immobile if not dealt with quickly. This was a SACRIFICIAL GIFT from my friend, who has been out of work all summer. I looked at her with a puzzled smile and she told me such a funny “GOD STORY” about where the money came from. She has graciously allowed me to share this story so everyone who hears it will know that no matter how hard life may get, we have hope! God has not forgotten about us and brings laughter right in the middle of difficult days. Read how God uses a forgotten/unknown insurance policy to bring provision at just the right time. Knowing that I would be without income starting early June, I had calculated my expenses and tried to plan for all anticipated outstanding bills that would be coming due over the next few months. This was the first summer that I would be without an income stream in over seven years. One thing that I’ve experienced in God’s timing in my life is that he is seldom early, but never late to answer my prayers. It’s the pause between the prayers and the answers that is helping to shape my faith and absolute reliance upon his grace and provision in my life. A week before my last day of work I received a letter in the mail from an insurance company. They were trying to locate the next of kin for my parents. I contacted the company and learned that they had conducted a random audit of their books and noticed that a policy had not been paid out upon the death of the last member on the policy. (It had been over two years since my mother passed away.) I was told that my parents had taken out casket insurance back in 1966 and that a check would be issued to me if I submitted proper verification documentation. This check came at a time when I had other unexpected bills to pay and had provided me with a sense of peace during a potentially extremely stressful time. While it is my nature to look everywhere I can physically see for answers to my problems, this experience has taught me what is written in Psalm 121:1-2, “I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” I would encourage you to read the rest of the chapter and find blessing in God’s presence in your life both now and forevermore. Each time I’m brought to a new circumstance God presents an opportunity for me to grow in relationship with him, sometimes I waste that chance with fear and anxiety. When I get through my challenges, I can see that God has been there all along and feel foolish for not fully trusting HIM. These have been hard lessons for me to learn. I am still a student in this. We can speak of God’s love forever; it’s not just a coincidence that my very favorite song was first up on the internet radio this morning, it’s not just luck that my friend’s parents in 1966 took out casket insurance to be delivered to their daughter the very summer she is without a job and needs the finances desperately. COME ON....CASKET INSURANCE? It’s not just coincidence that I was thinking and praying about getting our pledges for the Run/Walk for Hunger, and a few hours later we get our first $300 pledge from a person who has no job! THIS IS ABOUT GODS LOVE; THIS IS ABOUT A REAL GOD WHO CARES ABOUT US! We, who are mere people, get so fearful and worry about the “WHAT IF’S”, that don’t happen 90% of the time, because we have a real Heavenly Father who cares about the little details of our lives and get’s us through the “WHAT IF’S. “
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
So, it’s one week before my scheduled repeat c-section with number 8 child and I get a phone call about 8:30 p.m. from my landlord’s realtor stating, “We have to move by the end of the month—which is 3 weeks away by the way—and he's very sorry, but he was given a dirt cheap price to renovate the house and can't pass up this opportunity.” It was not up for negotiation, nor was there a chance even for extension. Maybe one year ago I would have completely freaked out and start worrying, thinking about 101 million things and what were we going to do! God had just reconciled my marriage about two months prior to this phone call and I just knew hard times were on pause for a little bit—WRONG—it was just the beginning of a new storm. I had that full week to search for houses and use every resource possible, and I did. However, there was nothing for the size or area in which we were looking. Time was ticking and patience, faith, and hope began to grow weary and soon aggravation and anger started, considering there was only one day left until I was to go into the hospital. We had begun packing and getting rid of a lot of things we knew had to go ASAP—even though it hurt badly. We donated about half the furniture we have now, but had to sacrifice just in-case we didn't find a place by the end of the month. Our baby boy was born and healthy as ever—praise God—and I'm OK! I was kept in the hospital for five days and went to what was our old home. I had packed my laptop in my to-go bag, since I knew I still had a house to find in less than two weeks. Still nothing ! When we arrived home, I refused to give up on my hunt for our new home. With a newborn—they eat every hour or two, and then every two to four hours, so I would feed him and once he went back to sleep—regardless of the time—I would look online for a home. I was praying to God daily, asking him what was going on and why, but I knew the why really didn't matter, as He is always working it out for us behind closed doors. I just wanted to knock on that door and take a peek at this point just so I wouldn't lose faith / hope. That never happened because I had my husband to reassure me that everything was going to be OK, and not to worry, and try to get some rest! Now—three days before we have to move, and still nothing ! At this point, I didn't know what to do. I didn't even want to look at a laptop or a phone anymore. I was exhausted and was throwing in the towel! With a prayer at 4 a.m., I found not one, but two houses and quickly e-mailed both of them. They were able to show us the homes the same day. I was praising God like no other! HOW AWESOME IS HE! The home we picked would not be ready until one month later, so we made arrangements to live with a family until our new home was ready. In the meantime, we began looking for furniture, as we had gotten rid of almost all we had. Wow how God has provided for us—we had almost everything we needed before we moved in. My four-year-old was the only one who did not have a bed yet and she was just so sad and heartbroken because all her brothers and sisters did. I had told her, “Don't worry, God will give her one too—we just don't know when, but just please be patient.” It didn't really sit well with our four-year-old. We ended up going to Faith Acres for food and ended up leaving with not just food and clothing, but with the happiest little four-year-old girl who had been blessed with her very own beautiful pink and white bed, with drawers that go under the bed. It was perfect and made just for her. On top of the beautiful bed frame, we got the mattress and a little Mermaid bedding sets of sheets and a comforter. What a blessing! Thank you GOD! So now, we are at our new home and the kids are getting ready to start school, but they have no backpacks or school supplies. My husband had taken off three weeks FMLA with no pay. It was really hard times for us. I received a phone call saying our prayers have been answered and to come pick up the kids’ new backpacks filled with school supplies! I wanted to cry and I did when I told my husband after he arrived home from work. So off to Faith Acres we go again to receive yet more blessings. There we were living in a basement for a month with seven of our eight kids, waiting to move into our new home with everything we need and so grateful to God, as He was working it all out, even when I was questioning Him. Some nerve, I tell you. We have been in our new home for almost a month and just amazed at how generous God is to us! Just to know we were homeless three days before July 31st and had gotten rid of almost all our furniture. And then, to have better furniture given back to us by wonderful agencies like Love Inc., Faith Acres, and people who have truly blessed my family. How can I ever turn my back on such a wonderful heavenly Father who has provided EVERYTHING including a baby boy I had been praying for nine years, and a husband I thought I had lost! I'm not worthy of any of this as the sinner I am, yet His love is unconditional, regardless of my flaws! I thirst to be more like Jesus and it's hard, but I know He lives in me. There is no denying that, and He has saved me from drugs, cigarettes, drinking, gangs, complete disorder, and chaos in my life! I believe these blessings came from my obedience to ask Him for help and draw near to Him even when I am freaking out and my faith is small! I want more, but I know my ultimate reward isn't of this world or from here—it's eternal life—and that's what I'm aiming for with all eight kiddos and my husband. Thank you all and we love you so very much for the beautiful smiles on my kids’ faces. May God bless you! "What will I put my hands to work at today, that will change the life or destiny of another human being?"
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
Our family has been going to Faith Acres on and off for about 4 years now. It always amazes me when I see the generosity displayed there by everyone you encounter. No matter what your circumstance, everyone is treated with love. You can truly feel the presence of God there. One day recently, we were there dropping off some clothes and one of the volunteers asked me if there was anything we needed. Even though there are plenty of things we need, I never really think that it could come from another source (like God?). I always think that it is something we have to try to get on our own, and wonder where the money will come from. Oh me of little faith. It took my 7-year-old daughter to remind me that yes, there was something we needed. You see her dresser was falling apart, and it was getting dangerous as drawers were broken and ready to fall on her every time she opened them. She piped up and said, "I need a new dresser!" The gal asked her what color she wanted and she answered "blue or pink." I told her white would really be fine. Right then and there they asked God for the dresser and then thanked him for her new dresser, believing that dresser would be coming! Each time this volunteer saw my daughter at church she would say, "Are you still thanking God for your new dresser?" Well, about two months later, I got a call from Faith Acres telling me they had our dresser! It wasn't blue or pink, but it was white, and it was perfect! I was still a bit worried that it wouldn't work in her room, but again, I need to have more faith. It's even better than we could have imagined. Just yesterday, as my husband was painting our bathroom, I was wishing I had a little table to put near the toilet and a mirror for the back of the door. I was sitting at the kitchen table at Faith Acres and saw the perfect table (the perfect color of teal) and a full length mirror sitting across from me. I thought "Oh my goodness! Those would be perfect!" But I figured they were for someone else. Again, my 7-year-old said, "Mom! That table would match our bathroom!" That very morning I had told her that a little table in here (the bathroom) would be great and right before us is the little table, in our bathroom color and the mirror...together! I asked a volunteer if they were taken, she said they had just came in and set them aside knowing they would be perfect for someone, but they didn't know who yet. They didn’t want to put it out in the main area because it was such a unique colored table, they wanted it to go to the “S omeone” it was meant for? Well, I guess that someone was us! Going to Faith Acres has not only blessed our family with food and needed items, but has taught me that I need to have more faith in my walk with God. He does care about the big and the little things in our lives. He does always provide for our needs, and sometimes our wants as well. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
God Bless you Faith Acres! I stopped by to drop off a fondue machine for a birthday celebration and was just thinking to myself, “How could I have forgotten a tarp for a lawn job I needed to do today?” So as I am dropping off the machine I go back to my car and on the hood, was 10 yard waste bags. I just began to cry because I realized even in the small things God knows I didn’t tell anyone about needing a tarp or bags! A few days later I was back at Faith Acres and God had another surprise gift for my family. For years my husband has been nagging me for a kerosene heater for the garage, to be exact 9 years, 4 days to the date. I just kept telling him we don't need one or change the subject, but today at Faith Acres he got a new one. A volunteer walked up to me and asked me if my husband needed a kerosene heater? Something small I know, but it makes a world of difference, I didn’t even ask for one or let anyone know about my husband’s request! Then a few weeks later I was at Faith Acres to work on the farm. I was discussing the plans for the day and a different volunteer walked up to me and asked me if my son needed shoes because these beautiful brand name high tops came in and before they put them out in the clothing area, they wanted to know if my son could use them. Okay, you have to understand, I get all my kids shoes at the Goodwill or on a really great sales. My High School son has been asking me over and over for high tops and here I am handed a new pair that are my son’s size to the T…to the T! My son is a size 12, is hard to find large shoes on sale. What a blessing, once again I never told anyone about my son wanting high tops or needing shoes! God provides regularly for our large family, I can only pray that God continues to bless Faith Acres, the Founders and their families, as well as all the volunteers, anyone who comes and those who give, so they may continue to see and feel Gods love for all who come. Since times are hard, I feed a lot of family members besides my own immediate family and I send other families to Faith Acres as well. Everyone I send comes back with similar stories; it’s amazing, talk about hilarious giving! The sharing center has a wide variety of foods and the organized uniqueness, of not having to wait in a long line for food is an even greater blessing; it’s a wonderful blessing! God bless you immensely!!! I would just like to say Thank you from the bottom of our heart, we praise God for you!!! Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matt. 5:16
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
~ A Donors Faith-Walk Story~ Thank you so much for sharing the Faith-Walk story , “ It’s a Musical Christmas Miracle,” with us —that whole story brought tears to my eyes! We were attending our church service the morning that Faith Acres Foundation was interviewed regarding their work. Both my husband and I thought at the time, we have a few special items in our home that could be used for God’s glory in someone else’s possession. For whatever reason (God’s timing most certainly), we didn’t get our act together for some time before delivering these instruments to Faith Acres. Our prayer was that these instruments might be used in praise worship, maybe in a church worship band. That prayer has been answered in so many ways! We are so blessed to hear how God has touched lives through Faith Acres and our small part in their work for God’s Kingdom. Praise God for all His blessings from above! Thanks again! God bless you and all you do! The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written, “He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.” He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others, while they long for you and pray for you, because of the surpassing grace of God upon you. Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! 2 Cor. 9:6-15 These donated instruments are written about in the Faith-Walk stories “ It’s a Musical Christmas Miracle,” “Experiencing God’s Care and Provisions, Just as He Promised,” and “ It was Truly a Blessed Christmas.”
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
~ A mother’s Faith-Walk story ~I am a single mother of five children. My husband left me and my children last year. He cleaned out our bank accounts, transferred all of the bills into my name and took my baby girl with him. Words cannot describe how incredibly painful it has been to have my baby taken from me. For over a year now, every day I have felt horrible dread deep in the pit of my gut and hopelessness, like a car door had slowly closed on my soul. He had been planning this for some time and I had no idea. I had been a stay-at-home mom for some time and did not have any financial means to defend myself. The effect this has had on all of my children was just devastating. Our lives were instantly transformed into a very hard and bleak existence. They missed their baby sister terribly and not knowing when or if they would see her had been terrifying. Also, things like not having good food to eat and having our electricity turned off so that I could pay a hefty court fee has been scary and unsettling for them. I have spent every moment of every day trying to find ways to get my daughter back and to make ends meet financially for my other children. Court costs and attorney fees have been dreadful. Each month that I have been able to make ends meet has been like a miracle. A few months ago, while at a church sifting through tables of used clothing for my children, I met a woman who told me about Faith Acres. She told me I could get fresh fruit and vegetables and information on other resources from Faith Acres. I made an appointment with Faith Acres and brought my son along for the orientation. It was a nice, laid back atmosphere and we left with a box full of fresh produce. Less than a week later, my son was to be in a talent show. He wrote a great song, but did not have a guitar to play it on at the talent show, as his old beat up guitar had completely fallen apart. Fortunately he was able to borrow an old 12-string from an acquaintance. It was cracked and had a broken string, but he was able to make it work for his gig. He played beautifully and sounded fantastic. As I was watching him on stage, I felt sad that I couldn't afford to buy him his own nice guitar and day-dreamed throughout the other acts about my circumstances changing and how cool it would be to be able to buy him one. Then there was an act where a boy had an African drum and I thought how I really need to try to get my other son one of those and wondered how much a drum like that would cost. I knew they were expensive. I know he would be an amazing drummer, as I had heard him play many times before on pans and buckets since he was very young. I remember sitting there feeling apprehensive as if my time to cultivate my children's talents was running out and what a shame it was, since they are all so musically talented. I felt angry that I had been robbed of all of my resources (financially and emotionally) to help my children develop their talents and really be able to be there for them as I would like to, due to the devastating situation my husband has put us all in. I went to bed that night thinking about all of this and fantasized being able to afford to buy instruments and lessons for my children and envisioning my son playing an African drum. The next day I received a call from Faith Acres. One of the volunteers told me she had been thinking about me and wanted to learn more about how they could help me and my family. She invited me out to Faith Acres again to pick up some more food. While I was there she asked me if I had gifts for my children for Christmas. I told her that I had very little. She asked me what kinds of things they liked. I explained that they are into music. She asked me what kind of instruments they play. I told her both of my boy’s play the guitar, that my eldest’s acoustic / electric guitar broke and how I really wished I could get my younger son an African drum because I just think he would be great at it. She took me to a separate part of her house with two other people and showed me an acoustic electric guitar and the most gorgeous African drum I had ever seen. I couldn't believe it. Hope filled my heart. I had to fight back tears. It was much more than getting instruments for my children. It was that God heard me! It felt like a sign that all this time that I have been praying and pleading for help to get through this, He has heard me and I am not alone. I had no tree or ornaments and very few Christmas decorations. They gave me a Christmas tree to take home, and a whole car full of indoor and outdoor decorations. My van was packed full! My children's faces lit up when I came home carrying in boxes of Christmas decor and food. They happily put up all of the decorations just as fast as they could pull them out of the boxes. I had to go back to Faith Acres to pick up the instruments. We went to the barn and gathered tons of items that made perfect gifts for my children, and then went into the house to get the instruments. This time they brought in a lamp and asked if I could use it, which I certainly could as one of the bedrooms in my house was without a light fixture. They had a flute, recorder, and an accordion for my three other children, so they each had their own instruments! I was also given other gifts to give to my children for Christmas, such as a sled, dolls, a fluffy dog, clothing, and shoes, etc. On my way out, I asked if they had any lettuce and just then a volunteer hauling an entire car load of produce pulled up and I was given all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. On Christmas morning my children were dumbfounded when they opened their gifts. They could not believe their eyes. It was truly a blessed Christmas! One of the volunteers at Faith Acres showed me how to submit a prayer request to a strong praying church out of state so that my family would stay anonymous in our area, but have prayer coverage from this church and Faith Acres. This is a perfect example of how, over the last several months, people I have met have prayed for me and helped guide me. I have experienced a series of events in which I have met people who have played a role—each like a piece in a large puzzle—to lead me one more step closer to getting the help that I needed to make it through this mess. I now have an attorney who is willing to take my case for extremely reasonable fees. I have friends who are emotionally supportive, my family has food to eat, and I now feel hopeful that there is a way out of the darkness and hopelessness that had consumed my life. The fear that has gripped my heart relentlessly every day for many, many months has dissipated. I have personally witnessed miracles in my life—far too strategically intricate to be coincidental—that simply could not have happened without God's hand. Faith Acres is one of the conduits God has used to touch my life and I feel so grateful and blessed. "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing" Zephaniah 3:17 “It was Truly a Blessed Christmas” is part of “ It’s a Musical Christmas Miracle” Faith-Walk story.
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
God is so faithful! Tonight I took a guitar in to get restrung for this new family who just started coming to Faith Acres. The workers at OFFBEAT music store were excited to help when they heard the story of how instruments were donated to Faith Acres and how this mother who had hardly any Christmas gifts for her children was going to give this guitar to her son, along with other instruments that were donated. All week I kept thinking about this woman who came to Faith Acres for the first time the week before. She came with her high-school age son and they sat in our 45-minute Welcome Class. I looked at her and I could see she was tired, but there was something else, she was glazed over—a woman with so much on her mind. This is a look we have seen many times before. They had to get to a doctor’s appointment so we let them get food first, before the Welcome Class. After I finished the class, I rushed through the paperwork with everyone else, and then I ran to see if they were still here. “Hi…um, do you need some pants?” Duh…the kid has great jeans on, but I had to make conversation quick before they left. I had to talk to this woman—something was not right—she needs help! I found out a few hard things about this family and could understand why the glazed, tired look. I had asked this young man if he had needed jeans, it was just the first thing that came to my mind. They said he could use some jeans, so now I didn’t feel so bad holding them up from their doctor’s appointment. This was a divine appointment and in the next few weeks I would understand the urgency to not let them just walk out without being loved on, with Christ’s love—the love that intoxicates anyone who has been in survival mode and lost hope. We went out to the barn where the girls were sorting clothing, but we didn’t find the jeans. They gave me his sizes and left, as I walked back into the barn one of the volunteers said, “The pants for him are here somewhere; I know they are—I saw them!” I looked down and right on top of a box was a size 2x Chicago Bears jersey. Guys, this is it, the kid’s a sports fan, and sure enough, brand new size 40 jeans—really, really nice stuff. This kid, who was a large football-type kid, reminded me of William “Refrigerator” Perry from the 1990 Chicago Bears. When he had told me he had size 16 shoes and I looked at him, and again, Refrigerator Perry came to mind immediately, so the Chicago Bears jersey on top of the box was the giveaway. “Thank you Lord for the clues you give us along the way, you make us look so much better than we are!” This family was coming back because we had a box that had this young man’s name on it! It was as if we were all blinded from the box, so this family would have to come back for it! The next week flew by, and on Thursday, this mother just kept coming to mind, so I went to the garage to get the box of clothing with the Bears jersey in it. The woman had told me that she would love to get her kids fresh veggies and fruit, but she just couldn’t because of the finances. I had to call her, we had just gotten in lots of fruit and veggies, plus this box of new clothing was for her son. I called her and quickly into our conversation I asked her some hard questions. CLICK and I heard the phone hang up. YIKES—I told my daughter, who was on the computer across from me—I think the questions I asked this woman were too personal and painful. Maybe she hung up on me, but I am calling her back—I know we are supposed to talk—there was something about this family. God doesn’t just burden people to pray for no reason; the urgency to hear what this woman was faced with just consumed my mind. This always happens when God Things start to happen in a big way at Faith Acres, and phone problems happen here when the evil one doesn’t want us to connect with someone he wants left in hopelessness. I have tons of stories about phone and computer problems, while trying to help people. We just pray and ask God to work it out and he does. People would laugh if they could see us praying over phones and computers, asking God to put them back to work. It’s at these times when we get to see how real the battle between GOOD vs. EVIL is. The battle over the human heart is one that is a vicious fight, but one very much worth fighting for. Our job is to love God and love others. Something magical happens in this love—Jesus shows up and transforms lives before our very eyes. From sorrow, to joy, from pain to wellness, from lowliness to renewed strength, from death to life! It never gets old, the joy over one person who turns to the Living God because someone loved them the way Christ loves us and gave his life for us. The Bible is truth, without love we are nothing! God Things happen when we love God and love others—and this is what the Bible is all about, real people, with real problems, without any hope, turn to God and their lives change forever. As I dialed her back, she was calling me, praise God she didn’t hang up on me, just phone problems! We talked and I heard some hard stories, but through her story I could hear how she kept making it through—in supernatural ways. I told her, “God is totally covering you. These things you’re saying, God is taking care of you!” Hands down, this woman has the ear of the Living Lord and she was led right to Faith Acres for the next phase of her journey. Our job is to pray, share, serve, give, and just love on this family with all we have so that she understands the God of heaven is here for her. Faith…God…church, was all new to her in just the last few months—she was heartbroken when her husband left her and took her youngest child with him. You see, she was in the middle of adopting her sisters’ kids, because her sister had died, when this man came into her life. He lasted three years following his health challenges, brain surgery, and then after his trip to a psychic, he was never the same. “I know it sounds crazy she said, but after the psychic he went to visit, it was like he was someone else—like someone else was inside him talking” she said. This didn’t surprise me at all, so I think she had some relief just knowing I didn’t think she was crazy or on drugs for knowing something changed when her husband visited a psychic. At Faith Acres, we have worked with many families that bring more than just their hard lives with them; we continue to deal with people who are coming that are dealing with darkness. This is why communication with the Living God is so vital to Faith Acres’ survival—prayer is the key to helping these people break free from the bondage that keeps them in these dark chains. And, there is power in the name of Jesus that we were clueless about in our early years of helping families. Once again, we were going to watch God break through doors that were locked tight before this family. How great is our God for what he was about to do. I asked her to come on Friday. We were supposed to be closed, but it was time to see how we could really be of help to this family and she had to get the special deliveries God had given us before she ever stepped one foot onto Faith Acres. She ended up staying for about 5 hours, sharing more of her story—her broken family in her younger years, the tragedies her sister and her children faced. We were down in our 4-foot crawl basement surrounded by Christmas decorations and I asked her if she ever remembered in her life a stable home? She couldn’t. Her family’s life always seemed to be in a continual unrest, just a mess, and she had learned how to live in survival mode. Both of us, eyes full of tears, but somehow no tears on our cheeks, just a moment of silence, woman to woman—how many families are faced with lives in continual chaos and need a resting place, a home? What does a secure, loving home look like, one with love, mercy, forgiveness and grace; one where moms and dads love God more than themselves; one where moms and dads unite to love God, where dads lay down their lives for their wives—not just for their countries, but for their wives—like Christ laid down his life for us? Homes in brokenness, like the devastating tornadoes that ripped through Alabama and Joplin, Missouri earlier this year. Without the Living God—just brokenness—the family is in such utter destruction without these two wise commandments as their family guide—love God and love others like you love yourself! In that moment, I was grasping for answers and wisdom from God who brought this woman right before me. This strong woman has tasted such pain, and in her pain she was led to a church—and now led to our home, Faith Acres. And here in the basement is where the rubber meets the road—remember, the Sharing Center was closed—love is hard, fear is easy. The pantry may be closed, but our home—is it ever to be closed? It was time to go deeper with Jesus so that this family would understand, meet, and learn how to get connected with the Prince of Peace—not just on Sundays, but 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To have a constant guide, a helper that will direct them, blow open doors before them, and provide everything that is needed to accomplish the job He created them for. Hold on tight because right here is where lives get totally changed in an instant! Jesus Christ (God in man-flesh) changes it all, from darkness to light, from life to real living! It’s not easy and not all our problems just go away, but in an instant we are being led, carried—walking through fires, but not being burned, sitting in lion dens and not being eaten, walking on water and not drowning, as long as our eyes are on the Living God. Take our eyes off God and we sink, drown, get burned, and eaten alive! God is the lifter of our heads that helps us keep focused on him! It all starts with the first and greatest Commandment: Love God with your heart, soul, mind; and the second Commandment is like it: Love your neighbor as you love yourself. We can’t hold back this information, we have to share it—like the food, the clothing, the household gifts, God changes lives—Jesus is a gift we have to share! Before we had gone to look through the Christmas decorations, this woman had given me more background on the last year of her life: I am a single mother of five children. My husband left me and my children last year. He cleaned out our bank accounts, transferred all of the bills into my name and took my baby girl with him. Words cannot describe how incredibly painful it has been to have my baby taken from me. For over a year now, every day I have felt horrible dread deep in the pit of my gut and hopelessness, like a car door had slowly closed on my soul. He had been planning this for some time and I had no idea. I had been a stay-at-home mom for some time and did not have any financial means to defend myself. The effect this has had on all of my children was just devastating. Our lives were instantly transformed into a very hard and bleak existence. They missed their baby sister terribly and not knowing when or if they would see her had been terrifying. Also, things like not having good food to eat and having our electricity turned off so that I could pay a hefty court fee has been scary and unsettling for them. I have spent every moment of every day trying to find ways to get my daughter back and to make ends meet financially for my other children. Court costs and attorney fees have been dreadful. Each month that I have been able to make ends meet has been like a miracle. A few months ago, while at a church sifting through tables of used clothing for my children, I met a woman who told me about Faith Acres. She told me I could get fresh fruit and vegetables and information on other resources from Faith Acres. I made an appointment with Faith Acres and brought my son along for the orientation. It was a nice, laid-back atmosphere and we left with a box full of fresh produce. Less than a week later, my son was to be in a talent show. He wrote a great song, but did not have a guitar to play it on at the talent show, as his old beat up guitar had completely fallen apart. Fortunately he was able to borrow an old 12-string from an acquaintance. It was cracked and had a broken string, but he was able to make it work for his gig. He played beautifully and sounded fantastic. As I was watching him on stage, I felt sad that I couldn't afford to buy him his own nice guitar and day-dreamed throughout the other acts about my circumstances changing and how cool it would be to be able to buy him one. Then there was an act where a boy had an African drum and I thought how I really need to try to get my other son one of those and wondered how much a drum like that would cost. I knew they were expensive. I know he would be an amazing drummer, as I had heard him play many times before on pans and buckets since he was very young. I remember sitting there feeling apprehensive as if my time to cultivate my children's talents was running out and what a shame it was, since they are all so musically talented. I felt angry that I had been robbed of all of my resources (financially and emotionally) to help my children develop their talents and really be able to be there for them as I would like to, due to the devastating situation my husband has put us all in. I went to bed that night thinking about all of this and fantasized being able to afford to buy instruments and lessons for my children and envisioning my son playing an African drum. The next day I received a call from Faith Acres. One of the volunteers told me she had been thinking about me and wanted to learn more about how they could help me and my family. She invited me out to Faith Acres again to pick up some more food. While I was there she asked me if I had gifts for my children for Christmas. I told her that I had very little. She asked me what kinds of things they liked. I explained that they are into music. She asked me what kind of instruments they play. I told her both of my boys’ play the guitar, that my eldest’s acoustic / electric guitar broke and how I really wished I could get my younger son an African drum because I just think he would be great at it. So much more of her story to come, but little does she know that her children’s instruments where donated two days before her very first visit to Faith Acres. TWO DAYS before she came to Faith Acres, her children’s instruments were delivered! I had put them in special place waiting for the right person to come. These where special, it took me five trips through the house and up a special flight of stairs to get these interments to the storage room. The African drum was so stinkin’ heavy going up those stairs. I just knew they had to be moved and not be taken. We had prayed, asked God to show us who these interments were to go to because they were beautiful, perfect, no scratches, just amazing. Little did we know that it would lead to a family who had very little to celebrate Christmas—to a mother who was losing hope that anything would change—to a musical Christmas miracle! I couldn’t just give these interments to anyone, they where special from the moment they came to Faith Acres. I told the donor to pray with us that God would bring the families who were in need of them. The donor said he would love to see them in a worship service at church some day. I told him he just may visit a different church soon, because these instruments are special ! Words can’t describe why, but from the time this man brought these interments, it was clear we were to guard them— these were treasured gifts, for the one God sent to get them. It was getting closer to Christmas and we still didn’t have anyone for the instruments, so when two of the churches called, I hinted at instruments, but they asked what kind of instruments did we have? That wasn’t the deal; whoever got these instruments would need to be looking for these exact instruments. No one else said a word about instruments until our new guest had arrived and shared what she really wanted to provide for her kids. I about flipped in my chair as she described her dream for her kids. I didn’t know what to do first, show her the instruments or call the donor who donated them? This donor who gave these instruments was special. He was older and spoke about how his wife just loves music and has the most beautiful voice he has ever heard. He said she is really busy so she doesn’t get to play these interments and sing like she once did. This man spoke so highly of his wife, her beautiful voice; it was like he was talking about an angel. This was no ordinary man, he valued his wife; and these special gifts where no ordinary donations, these where a sacrificial gift from his wife, she was willing to share nevertheless. We have seen things come into Faith Acres, but when it is a sacrifice and a hard decision for the person to give that donation because they value it, you can bet, we are going to have a Faith-Walk story to write about. By this time, one of our volunteers and a local pastor had shown up at Faith Acres. I asked them if they wanted to see something really fun. You see, living here, we get to see this day after day. It never gets old; it’s just as exciting each time around. When other people get to see it, it’s even more fun, so I had to invite them along. We gave them a recap of what we were discussing and said we are going to look at the instruments right now—come on! Our new guest was the only one who described the exact instruments that had been donated; they are for her to give to her children Christmas morning. God answered our prayers, the perfect home for some of the instruments! We all walked up the stairs together to the storage room and showed this single mother the gifts God had delivered for her family. She was shocked, really shocked, kind of a like snap a finger, are you okay shocked ! She said these are more than just instruments, this is a message…this is a message! Yes, it’s a message from God that He loves you like crazy and hears your cries for help with your children…He is taking care of you, the kids! I cannot find the words to describe the expression on her face—puzzled, excited, questioning, crying how this was happening. I just told her straight up, “Welcome to Faith Acres…it’s a God Thing !” We pray for God to bring the people who need what is donated and that He would also bring things to Faith Acres that people need before they get here so they know how much He really loves them, and that he hasn’t forgotten about them. This woman needed to know that she was loved by God and that He was watching over her—she is not alone in the journey! I know nothing about instruments, but the local pastor who had just stopped by, out of the blue to drop off a bag of clothing, he knew everything about the instruments. Not only that, his family plays instruments in the worship band at church. So I asked him, “Pastor, do you need a guitar because there are two guitars to give and the donor of the instruments thought it would be great to see them in a church worship service?” “As a matter of fact we have been looking for one,” he says. IS NOT GOD A MIGHTY SWEETHEART? Two different guitars and God brings the families that need them together at the same time, and neither of them needed the same one—the one left was the one the pastor needed…amazing! This opened up a beautiful discussion about Jesus, where the pastor was able to share how much God loves her. It was perfect, beautiful, surreal—the perfect Christmas story, the kind you gather as a family to watch on TV around the Holidays. The kind where you feel tingly inside, you’re crying and overjoyed at the same time because you just watched something that reached into your very soul. This pastor wasn’t just any pastor, he was the perfect pastor who has been walking down a difficult path himself, only to arrive at Faith Acres to give and receive a gift that would encourage his heart to keep going. Hear his heart: I am a father of five teens who has been experiencing a very prolonged period of unemployment. I have been a bi-vocational minister for over 15 years and completed an assignment which resulted in the closing of a church. Needless to say, I am still unable to find an income to support my family. While in this holding pattern period of our lives, our kids, all of whom are musically inclined, have decided they wanted to begin worship as a group and as a family at home. We were short of the needed instruments such as a base and a guitar. As only our God would arrange it, I went to Faith Acres on a Friday, not a day I normally would visit, and I happen to meet a single mom and heard about her dilemma and it was at the precise time she was mentioning the need for musical instruments for her kids. We both where invited upstairs with another volunteer to see some instruments that were recently donated to Faith Acres and there were enough guitars to meet the needs of both families. The guitar went to my son who has been self-teaching himself and he used this for the sole purpose of praising God because we have so many reasons to give praise to Him. As a father, I’ve been feeling so helpless to provide many of my family’s needs, but when I received this guitar I felt God’s love immensely. My son painted the biggest smile when I took it home and told him it was for him. You see, December 1, 2011, I was sitting at the table with my wife talking over the fact that we didn’t have a penny to pay our rent and no open opportunities to make money. We called the kids to the table to pray. After we prayed, one of our kids went to get the mail. In the bundle of advertising was an envelope from Florida and inside were four checks whose sums totaled ¾ of our rent. About an hour later I received a call from one of the local charities telling me a couple was looking to bless someone financially and the staff thought of me. The next day, the couple came to visit me and they provided the remaining amount of what I needed for the rent, to the dollar. Within one week, someone else came to visit me and I received enough money for next month’s rent too! I don’t have the words to express the overwhelming sensation of experiencing God’s care and provisions just as He promised. God not only provided perfect donations, but perfect people who could relate and care for each other, each faced with hardships, but walking by faith forward, to care and encourage our new guest to keep going, to keep her eyes fixed on God no matter how hard it seemed. After we had gathered all the Christmas decorations I told our new guest that I would call the music store to get the interments looked at so the kids could get them in perfect shape for Christmas morning. The guitar was in perfect shape, just a broken string. OFFBEAT music shop told us to bring it in so they could fix it; they were so kind from the very beginning. It took me a week and a half to get it to the shop, which brings me to tonight December 19, 2011. One of the volunteers had tried a few days back to get the guitar string fixed, but the store didn’t open till 1:00 and he couldn't wait around for 2 hours, so he left to do a food pick up. So, finally tonight I walked into the store just after 7:00 p.m. Behind the counter stood the man I told the story to on the phone. He whipped around the counter to see this guitar with the broken string. He was excited to help us out, no hesitation. He was determined to serve, what a blessing! As soon as I handed the man the guitar, I heard someone call my name. I turn to see a woman who was a guest and volunteer at Faith Acres about 2 years back. She is such a sweetie! She would come to Faith Acres get food and make food boxes for other families, then deliver them. She just loves to help other! She had gone through some hard times being a single mom, and even in her hard times; she was caring for others and giving thanks. We hugged and she asked me if we are still running Faith Acres? “Yes, we are!” I answered. She says this is a God Thing that you are here , I have to give to you…I need to give you this! As we talked about the guitar she was pulling out her wallet and writing a check to Faith Acres. We were giddy like little girls; she folds the check and hands it to me. Behind us her sons were getting their musical supplies and the cashier said, “Are you ready to hear the damages, it’s a lot?” She was there with her two sons and at the perfect moment God led me in to get a gift taken care of and receive one as well. She gave to Faith Acres, but what stood out was when she got the total on her order, she looked at her son and said, “Do you need all this right now, this is your Christmas gift, your birthday gift, and your next year’s gift, can’t some of this wait for a while?” Her son said, “It’s up to you?” It was a large bill, she could have skipped giving to Faith Acres and got her son all he wanted, but she chose to give. This was a true sacrificial gift and her giving to Faith Acres affected her family. Giving always cost us something. I walked to my car praising God, thanking him and asking him to bless OFFBEAT music store and this family who gave. When I sat in the van, I opened the folded check, it was a $200.00 gift, praise the Lord! I had to stop and give thanks to God once more and ask him to bring a drum symbol to this family who had just chosen not to buy it, but to give to Faith Acres. I know God will bless them for their gift and I can’t wait to hear how this young man gets the symbol for his drum set. I pray he reads this story and understands what a blessing his mother is. The sales people at the store watched as this story unfolded before them. I told them we tried to get the guitar in earlier, but it’s just like God to have other plans for us in his timing—what perfection! The one thing we’ve learned over the years is when you’re truly busy about taking care of the jobs God gives us to do; God steps in and takes care of all the other things going on in such amazing ways. God is so faithful; Christmas 2011 had come and gone, so we were able to gather all the facts surrounding this Musical Christmas Miracle to give you a beautiful Christmas story. The fact is we have so many more stories being written we can’t keep up with the writing of them. Each day brings another great story of God’s faithfulness. The day that our new guest at Faith Acres saw the instruments, we also found out they had very little Christmas gifts or decorations, but because of people who donated Christmas decorations all year round, we had so many to share. Listen to this mother share more of her story: I had no tree or ornaments and very few Christmas decorations. They gave me a Christmas tree to take home, and a whole car full of indoor and outdoor decorations. My van was packed full! My children's faces lit up when I came home carrying in boxes of Christmas decor and food. They happily put up all of the decorations just as fast as they could pull them out of the boxes. I had to go back to Faith Acres to pick up the instruments. We went to the barn and gathered tons of items that made perfect gifts for my children, and then went into the house to get the instruments. This time they brought in a lamp and asked if I could use it, which I certainly could as one of the bedrooms in my house was without a light fixture. They had a flute, recorder, and an accordion for my three other children so they each had their own instruments! I was also given other gifts to give to my children for Christmas, such as a sled, dolls, a fluffy dog, clothing, and shoes, etc. On my way out, I asked if they had any lettuce and just then a volunteer hauling an entire car load of produce pulled up and I was given all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. On Christmas morning, my children were dumbfounded when they opened their gifts. They could not believe their eyes. It was truly a blessed Christmas! One of the volunteers at Faith Acres showed me how to submit a prayer request to a strong praying church out of state so my family would stay anonymous in our area; but have prayer coverage from this church and Faith Acres. This is a perfect example of how, over the last several months, people I have met have prayed for me and helped guide me. I have experienced a series of events in which I have met people who have played a role—each like a piece in a large puzzle—to lead me one more step closer to getting the help that I need to make it through this mess. I now have an attorney who is willing to take my case for extremely reasonable fees. I have friends who are emotionally supportive, my family has food to eat, and I now feel hopeful that there is a way out of the darkness and hopelessness that had consumed my life. The fear that has gripped my heart relentlessly every day for many, many months has dissipated. I have personally witnessed miracles in my life—far too strategically intricate to be coincidental—that simply could not have happened without God's hand. Faith Acres is one of the conduits God has used to touch my life and I feel so grateful and blessed. These stories just never get old. We are drawn down to our knees before a Living God each day and continue to ask Him to show us who He is, so we can get to know, believe, and understand Him more each day. Something happens when we love God and strive to love others as we do ourselves. Miracles happen when we add sharing to the mix! We have a heavenly father who delights in his kids loving and sharing with each other. One day, we at Faith Acres, along with these families, will sit down together in a cozy living room, beside a crackling fireplace and watch this story come to life on TV, because this story, along with others, will make it to the hearts of those who can share them with the world. Share this story, so that others can find healing through Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God with us! Can any of us deny that It’s a Musical Christmas Miracle ? The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17 A message from the family who donated the instruments: Thank you so much for sharing the Faith-Walk story “It’s a Musical Christmas Miracle” with us —that whole story brought tears to my eyes! We were attending our church service the morning that Faith Acres Foundation was interviewed regarding their work. Both my husband and I thought at the time, we have a few special items in our home that could be used for God’s glory in someone else’s possession. For whatever reason (God’s timing most certainly), we didn’t get our act together for some time before delivering these instruments to Faith Acres. Our prayer was that these instruments might be used in praise worship, maybe in a church worship band. That prayer has been answered in so many ways! We are so blessed to hear how God has touched lives through Faith Acres and our small part in their work for God’s Kingdom. Praise God for all His blessings from above! Thanks again! God bless you and all you do! HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM FAITH ACRES FOUNDATION Our prayer is that this story of sharing brings a smile to our Father God in heaven this Christmas. Remember to keep Christ in Christmas. Immanuel — God with us, what a GIFT! Thank you to God who gives us AMAZING stories to write about! To Iris, who shared Faith Acres with this beautiful mother, for the families who donated all the instruments, your sacrificial gifts truly changed lives. To all the stores who donate the food, so we can share with so many families each week. To OFFBEAT Music shop who fixed the broken string with smiles and joy, you guys ROCK! To the family at the music store who gave the financial donation. For all the families who gave the clothing, the 2x Bears jersey, the beautiful new jeans, toys, and gifts at Christmas time. To the families who gave all the Christmas decorations throughout the year to make a whole home beautiful for Christmas! Thank you to all of you who share your prayers, your financial gifts, and your time with us. God Bless you all! Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with lute and harp! Praise Him with tambourine and dance; praise Him with strings and pipe! Praise Him with sounding cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals! Ps. 150:3-5 It’s a Musical Christmas Miracle is the full story of “ It was Truly a Blessed Christmas,” “ Experiencing God’s Care and Provisions, Just as He Promised,” and “For God’s Glory in Someone Else’s Possession” Faith-Walk stories.
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
In the past couple of years, my husband and I have fallen on some difficult times; the loss of our primary job, a full year without 100% income, and no insurance. The economy hit our finances and our savings hard. Frustrations surmounted, arguments increased, and my husband felt it better if we split apart. I believe in a God that is far bigger than our circumstances though. I went to many hours of counseling over this past year and have learned so much about myself and God's unconditional love for me! Faith Acres has walked alongside me many times; to help with food, love, and support for my family. Sometimes the hug I received from the volunteers and the prayers they offered or the conversation we had, was just what I needed to know God was near! I led a sedentary life for many years. I have been out of shape and severely overweight; however, over this past year—while I have learned so much from God—my health has begun to align as well. I lost a significant amount of my weight and I did it in very healthy ways (thanks to the ability to receive fresh produce from Faith Acres!) One Sunday, I was sitting in church and a guy got up in front and asked, "Who is going to run the marathon with me?" I immediately started sobbing. I thought, "Oh no Lord…NOT the marathon!" I found myself registering to run Chicago's Bank of America Marathon. I have two daughters and not many options for babysitters. So what do I do, when I need to go out for a run and my daughters are too young to run with me? I was given a regular double-stroller; but it was so hard to turn it while running. I was grateful though. I had something that I could run with! I talked about the difficulties; however, again I was so grateful that I could get outside with my girls. I looked at double-jogger strollers on the internet—the cost was just too high. What I had would have to work. And then one day, one of the volunteers from Faith Acres called me and asked me if I was still training for the marathon. I told them I was. They asked if I was taking the girls with me in a double-stroller—and I was! They told me that they had just received a brand new, double-jogger stroller and wanted to know if I wanted it. I started to cry—just days earlier I was trying to figure out with my sister how to get a double-jogger stroller, but it was just way out of my budget to even think about it. By the time I got to Faith Acres, volunteers had put together my brand new jogger stroller for my girls. The amazing thing… I am running for Team World Vision, whose color is orange. Would you like to guess what color my jogger stroller was? Yep -ORANGE! Only God could provide a brand new stroller, and even in my team color! On top of that, I was able to donate three strollers (two singles and the one double I was using) for other families in need. As a friend and I began training weekly, I used the jogger. It allowed me to take both girls with me. It even had enough room that they could bring along their breakfast, a bottle or sippy cup, and even a “lovey” to hold onto. Blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine! As if God would stop right there—I saw Him in every detail of my training too. Have you ever been to Starbucks and had one of their protein plates? It has egg, fruit, cheese, a little multi-grain piece of bread, and peanut butter. It is so yummy—and out of my budget! I had been given a gift certificate recently and used it after one of my long runs. What a treat! I remember the next time (truly within a couple days) I walked into Faith Acres. I was gathering food for me and my girls and there it was—like it was there just for me—a full box of the organic peanut butter packets from the protein plate. I could take them along on my run, or keep them in the car. God was thinking just of me right then, and He used Faith Acres to show me he cared. Wow, October 7th was a chilly morning (so very grateful it wasn't 90 degrees). I headed down to the race at 4:00 a.m. At 7:30, I was off with 26.2 miles before me, winding around through all the beautiful neighborhoods of Chicago, from the north side to the south, from Chinatown to Lake Shore Drive—simply gorgeous! It was the hardest day of my life (for my body), yet as I ran, I kept remembering the reason I was running—Team World Vision. Their marketing phrase is "I care and so I run." I care, that people in Africa don’t have access to clean water and food. I care and so I run. And as I ran through the streets of Chicago—through luxury and poverty—I was thankful that I had my own Team World Vision that cares for me and my family. Their name is Faith Acres. They care whether we have fruits and vegetables, whether we have proteins and dairy, whether we have costs and shoes, and yes, even a double-jogger stroller…Only God! Oh, and by the way, yes, I finished! Again, only God! You know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. So run to win! All those who compete in the games use self-control so they can win a crown. That crown is an earthly thing that lasts only a short time, but our crown will never be destroyed. So I do not run without a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something—not just the air. I treat my body hard and make it my slave so that I myself will not be disqualified... 1 Cor. 9:24-27 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other! John 15:16-17
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
It’s always fun to see God provide for families, in such unexpected ways. We have a family who volunteers at Faith Acres each week during the summer months to help keep the gardens and lawn beautiful, then in the fall and winter months, they help with the inside work of sorting foods and clothing. They are a true blessing to Faith Acres and its fun to hear their weekly stories of how God is providing for them. One summer morning we had an over-abundance of breads and really needed to call another organization that could help us get the food distributed to families quickly. As I was walking in the house to make the phone call, this faithful working family walked into the garage and asked if they could take some food to one of the local churches who could really use extra food for their hurting families. God was so faithful to work out the details before I even had to make the phone call. As we were packing up the food, they were talking about needing suitcases, a projector, and a keyboard because their parents are pastoring a church in Mexico and these things would be a blessing for them. I went to look for the suitcases and sure enough we had two beautiful bags from different makers, but they matched perfectly. I also grabbed two travel bag purses and a long black zipper bag. By the time I got back to the garage the next load of food was being delivered. We opened the trailer door and we had twice the amount of breads that we just packed up for them to take over to the church, along with a large hefty mountain bike in great condition. This bike was oversized—oversized seat, oversized wheels—just a strong, solid mountain bike. “Umm, you guys need a bike? Does your hubby need a bike?” From their facial expressions, I could see the bike was for them and right on time, as she just shook her head and said, “Really, really, are you serious? Really, this always happens here…really God, really, really…really God? Okay, I am crying here…because over the last few weeks and then last night—just last night my husband told me he was going to go buy a new bike because the one he was given from his cousin is way too small and my husband is a large, husky line-backer kind of guy and this bike—this bike right here—is his favorite color. It has the double-wide wheels, the large seat, this is his bike, it is, this is his bike…really God, really , this always happens! Seriously, this is one of the reasons my husband is even serious about God now, he has seen so many amazing things happen for our family and items provided for us, that it just blows us all away. It’s kind of scary how this keeps happening…really, really God, this is amazing !” God is amazing—HE IS SO SWEET—He provides! We found out that the bike was given to our driver out of the blue that very day from one of his friends. God’s timing is perfect! As the family was leaving and I handed them the rest of the bags, we all kind of laughed at the long bag that was delivered to Faith Acres a few days before without the tent in it. Yep, an empty new tent bag from one of the local stores! “It’s here, just take it, maybe, maybe, hey maybe it’s for the keyboard you’re looking for, maybe God is going to provide you with a keyboard that fits in this bag?” We all just giggled because the chances of getting the perfect keyboard to fit this new empty bag would just be another amazing story. Before they left, we all stopped to thank God for the fun, laughter, the abundance of food, bags, and a perfect mountain bike for her hefty husband, as well as adding a request for a projector and a key board so their parents could take it back to Mexico with them in a few weeks. We may not have the other items here at Faith Acres, but God—God is faithful and will bring it all together for them. A few days later this family called and told us that God provided the projector and a keyboard—a beautiful keyboard that was made perfectly to fit in the tent bag. It was as if the tent bag was made for the keyboard—ONLY GOD! How fun to report such fun stories of answered prayers. The tent bag matched the other two pieces of luggage and the two matching carryon bags as well. How kind of God to color-coordinate five different bags, from four different manufactures and three different donors—just for this family. We do have a God of excellence that is into details, no doubt about it! Psalms. 36:7 How excellent is thy loving-kindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings
By Faith Acres February 13, 2019
WHAT A BLESSING IT IS TO SERVE WITH SO MANY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE HERE AT FAITH ACRES FOUNDATION!!! When people came face to face with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, lives change in an instant! Many people, families and children all around us, are discouraged and have lost HOPE! When the struggles and issues of life are too heavy on people hearts and minds, it can lead to depression. These issues maybe due to health challenges, job loss, financial struggles, family break-ups…You name it, it’s all around us. If a person believes "IT'S HOPELESS", then the human heart gets sick. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.-Proverbs 16:12 I’ll never forget a young mom who showed up with her own mother to get food at Faith Acres about three years ago. Her mother had lived with her boyfriend for many years, shared a home together and built a life. Due to circumstances, they just never got married. When the love of her life died, every one of her possessions was taken away from her by her boyfriend’s brother. He never got along with them. Life changed in an instant! Hopelessness, depression, discouragement and sickness just encompassed this family in pain. What are we to do; can we fix all these problems? No, but we offer what we have, and point them to GOD! Because...WE HAVE A HUGE GOD!! He has love, He has mercy, He has forgiveness, He has grace and HE GIVES HOPE!! He loves all people with an EVERLASTING LOVE and He draws us to himself, every minute of every day!! This young mom is now a faithful volunteer here at Faith Acres and this is a little "thank you" she sent to us last week. "I really, really appreciate all your help. You have been a blessing in my life and keep me strong. Every time I go to Faith Acres I feel like I have so much support. You guys are the true support for the community of Illinois. I only wish people can have what you guys do in every town. I thank Gigi and Nick for always being there and being kind even though they have so much going on as all the families come through for food. You guys help me fight every day, keeping strong for my kids. Without the whole Faith Acres crew I would have lost my faith and felt all alone! Thank you so much for believing in me!"
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